
Commission open


Please make sure you have read my Terms of service before you order.

Price List

Bust up$30
Half body$40

Additional price

• The prices listed are the base price it might go higher depending on complexity.
• Additional characters will charge 100% of base price for each additional character.
• Background will charge $20+ depending on the complexity.

To place an order, you can DM me on Twitter : @mahesare or Discord : mahesare


Will DoWon't Do
KemonomimiHeavy Mecha
Soft NSFW / EcchiGore

General Terms

• Price could be higher depends on complexity.
• The commission is marked as Personal use only.
• Commercial use will incur additional charges.
• I have right to decline the request if I can't fulfill or not comfortable working with it.
• I may post the artwork into my social media or use it for portfolio
unless you order a private commission.
• Private commission will incur additional charges.


• Payment made after sketch is approved.
• Payment using Paypal.
•No refund after full payment / transaction done

Process & Delivery

• Commissions will take around 1-2 weeks after the sketch is approved.
• Estimated work time depends on complexity and queue.
• Canvas size will be around 2000x2000px(the ratio can be changed) 300dpi.
• Files will be sent out as PNG via Google Drive or E-mail.


• Major revision can only be done on sketch phase.
• I won't do revision after work is finished (except for minor changes).


1. You can DM me on Twitter or Discord.
2. Provide references images and description.
3. Payment after sketch is approved.
4. Update, Revise, Deliver finished piece.


You can contact me via Twitter Message or Discord DM for more information.

Twitter : mahesare or Discord : mahesare#5255